Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bake Your Own Bread

Money Saving Mom has a list of recipes for homemade bread, bread sticks, english muffins & more.  By using a bread making machine preparation is simple & quick.  I fortunately found a machine at a second-hand store.  It looked like it had seldom been used & was only $3.00.  I've had it now for several years and I'm definately going to try some of these recipes.  Pin It

Many ailments can be cured with Castor Oil

"Castor Oil has many medicinal uses, including constipation (when taken internally), relief from pain, inflammation and stomach problems. It also has cosmetic uses and has been said to restore a youthful glow, and maintain smooth and supple skin....."  Homemade Cosmetics

This article lists the many benefits of using castor oil from constipation to helping to smooth out wrinkles.  By rubbing it on your scalp, it also helps to regrow & thicken hair.  After reading the article, I went out & bought me a little bottle and decided to give it a try.  I rubbed some on my face for the wrinkles & then on my scalp for my baby thin shedding hair.   I'm going to continue doing both for a month & will post my results.

Please visit Homemade Cosmetics to read the article.

Blessings. Pin It

Friday, February 7, 2014

Herbs & Bone Broth

For the past few days I've been feeling terrible.  Tired, achey, backpain, stomach ache & to top it off.....hemorrhoids...ugh.  After reading quite a few articles about medicinal herbs, I decided to give them a try.  Tuesday I visited the local Farmer's Market & picked up a quart of raw honey, a pint of blackberry jelly & a pint of blueberry jelly.  I'm always buying herbs for cooking & along with some herbal tea bags  I'd purchased a while back, I decided to see what kind of recipes I could find.  Starting with the honey, I mixed it with cinnamon, heated some water & drank a cup.  Later on I made a cup of herbal peppermint tea from the teabags.  (Previously that morning I soaked in a hot tub of water with epsom salt...that got me feeling a lil better.)   Yesterday evening I made some bone broth from leftover baked chicken I had in the fridge. Before I went to bed last night I drank a cup of the broth & took another soak in tub with chamomile tea added to the water. (Read chamomile was good for the hemorrhoid problem).  Now I'm not sure what is was or if it was just a combination of it all, but this morning I got up with much more energy, pain in all areas greatly diminished & feeling better than I have in months.  WOW!!!

Well, I got to thinking...hmmmm....what about herbs for my chickens????  This is a very good article listing the herbs & their benefits for chickens. Herbs & their uses for your chickens health.  (I mixed some up in their feed this morning.)  Another interesting article Nesting Box Herbs - Chicken Aromatherapy is about using herbs in nesting boxes.  Oh yeah, another project to add to my to-do list as soon as the weather warms up.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How to Make Chicken Stock or Bone Broth

How to Make Chicken Stock or Bone Broth« G-Free Foodie

This is another Bone Broth recipe that gives both a Crockpot & Stovetop cooking method.  I've been reading that bone broth is not only rich in vitamins & minerals but also helpful to those of us with Hashimoto's. Pin It

Advice/ Suggestions on a DIY Seed Growing Mat

I need some advice or input on an idea of making a very large heated seed growing mat. I have a queen-sized electric blanket that we no longer use & was wondering if I could spread it out on a table (old door on plastic milk crates) & then cover it with a plastic tablecloth. I have some plastic nursery seed trays and would find something to set them in to catch the water drainage. I plan on setting it up in my storage shed since there's no room & not enough sunlight in the house. What ya'll think???? Anybody??? Pin It

How to Sell Chicken Eggs : HGTV Gardens

How to Sell Chicken Eggs : HGTV Gardens

So glad I happened upon this article.  I have 20 laying chickens & an over-abundance of eggs.  Seriously, these hens lay regardless of the season or weather conditions.  Actually, I've been giving them away to neighbors, friends & family.  I've thought several times about selling some but wasn't really familiar with the legalities.  This article explains how to sell them & also to check with your local state requirements. Pin It

Budget101.com - - How to Start Seeds Indoors | Garden Cheaply

Budget101.com - - How to Start Seeds Indoors | Garden Cheaply

Starting some vegetable & herb seeds indoors is one of many projects on my to-do list this month.  I picked up several packages last week an am anxious to get them in some dirt.  There are some very good ideas in this article. Pin It

Whole Foods Market opens in Jackson | Money - WAPT Home

Whole Foods Market opens in Jackson | Money - WAPT Home

I just had to share this exciting information.  Jackson is about a 2 hour drive from where I live but certainly worth checking out.  Not many of the local grocery stores here sell organic & chemical-free food items..  Hashimoto's has certainly made me alot more aware of what I eat & drink & has changed my whole way of cooking.  I read in the article also that there is a Whole Foods Market in New Orleans. Pin It

Coconut Banana Muffins – No Sugar & Gluten Free

Coconut Banana Muffins – No Sugar & Gluten Free

This is a good start for my new diet.....oh yeah, breakfast food!!!  Click on the above link for the recipe. Pin It

Instead of Doing Dishes: Lessons in Saying Goodbye

Instead of Doing Dishes: Lessons in Saying Goodbye

Beautiful article written by my best friends daughter, Heather.  Please click on the link above to read her story about Hamburg, Ms & view the amazing pictures she photographed.     Pin It

Thank you all so much!!!

As I logged into my blog this morning, I was completely astounded by the stats overview...almost fell out my chair, seriously but managed not to spill the the coffee.  First I'd like to express my deepest heartfelt gratitude to Marina Gutner, PhD for getting back with me so quickly & offering to do a guest post on my blog. And to all of you who have visited my blog I give the same heartfelt "Thanks!"

I started this blog quite some time ago as a collection point for all the wonderful ideas & projects I found searching the web.  Later on I started sharing on my personal Facebook account & made a Facebook page, Vel's Place.  Of course I discovered Twitter & Pinterest & thought ok, let's share, share, share.  I have to confess, my writing abilities are far from what I wish them to be, as you have probably noticed, but I do love blogging.

As a matter of fact, I visit alot of wonderful blogs & websites  as I google the web in search of the many subjects of my interests & would love to invite to my blog more guest posts.  So if anyone is interested, please send me an email. (I don't do any adult content as I like to "keep it clean".)  For my fellow Hashimoto's readers, if you have a story about your experience, treatment or any recommendations to share, I'd love to hear from you.  Presently, I am working on posting my story in the near future.

Again, thank you all very, very much & I hope you come back to visit.  Many blessings.

Vel Pin It

Monday, February 3, 2014

Johnny Lee Clary---Preach the Cross

Breaking Generational Curses - Preach the Cross

My husband & I had the priviledge to meet Johnny Clary & Donna Carline recently in Foxworth, MS.  I love listening to this man preach & Donna sing.  Preach the Cross is his website & his remarkable testimony of his life from a KKK leader & now an ordained minister with World Evangelism Fellowship under Jimmy Swaggart Ministries in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,  Please enjoy this article, browse his website & be blessed. Pin It

Turmeric Tea

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Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Thyroid Patients Are NOT The Helpless Victims Of Their Genetics

As promised, I am excited & honored to publish this article by Marina Gutner, Phd. 

Thyroid Patients Are NOT The Helpless Victims Of Their Genetics
A Guest Article written by Marina Gutner, PhD from Thyroid Blog Outsmart Disease
Many doctors tell their patients that thyroid disorders have a genetic origin. While this is true not everybody with genetic predisposition gets a thyroid disease. In fact, if some of your direct relatives (parents or grandparents) had it your chances to develop any thyroid condition and show higher than normal levels of thyroid antibodies at any point of your life are about 33%.
Thyroid disease often skips generations and women are at a significantly higher risk to develop it than men. Furthermore, if your mother had autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease you may not necessarily get the same condition but develop Grave’s or ANY other thyroid related disease instead. 
Why is this happening?
There are two main reasons for this variety of autoimmune expression:

1.    Most autoimmune diseases are thought to be polygenic, involving more than one gene. These genes can be present in different autoimmune conditions at the same time. This puts patients with autoimmune thyroid disease at a higher risk to develop either Hashimoto’s or Grave’s due to their similar etiology or other autoimmune conditions like systemic lupus, pernicious anaemia (low vitamin B12), type I diabetes or Addison disease.
2.    Genetics is only one of several factors that affect your chances of having a thyroid disease. There are two more factors in play such as different environmental triggers of autoimmunity and a specific mechanism of how the antigens activate certain genes. They mostly determine if you develop a thyroid disease or not.
Environmental Factors
There are different models and theories of how and why you can develop an autoimmune disease, however all of them agree that genetic predisposition and antigen(s) need to be present to initiate an autoimmune response. They also determine what autoimmune condition(s) you are most likely to get.
For example, people with Hashimoto’s and celiac disease have common CTLA-4, HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 genes and share gluten as a common trigger of the disease that can make both conditions be present simultaneously in the same person.
Heredity accounts for only about one-third of the risk of developing an autoimmune disease, while non-inherited environmental factors or triggers of autoimmunity account for the remaining 70%.
External environmental factors include but are not limited to viruses, hormones, bad diet, food contaminated with pesticides, mercury, too much iodine, low vitamin D, good and pathogenic bacteria, some drugs, vaccines, food allergies, toxins and infections. Environmental agents are able to amplify autoimmunity in genetically susceptible individuals but also break tolerance in people without genetic predisposition.
How Antigens Get Into Your Body?
The concept of leaky gut as a part of autoimmune mechanism is new, however it becomes more widely accepted and many holistic physicians are already familiar with it. Health of your intestines and digestive system determine the strength of your immune system and how well your body can defeat you from a constant exposure to different types of antigens.
The intestinal lining is a protective barrier and the first mechanism of defense of our immune system. If this barrier becomes vulnerable and loses its protective properties it opens the way for antigens to enter your body and trigger an autoimmune attack.
Leaky gut is also called increased intestinal permeability and it happens when the intestinal lining becomes more porous and has a widening of the openings in the intestinal walls that let the larger sized molecules, indigested food particles, toxins, molds and yeast through into the blood stream. All these forms of waste are foreign to your body outside of your digestive tract and can trigger an allergic or autoimmune response as a part of your body’s defence mechanism.
With time the weakened immune system cannot effectively protect you from viral infections and non-food related environmental toxins that can also become triggers or contributors to autoimmunty and Hashimoto’s.
It’s important to know that the causes of leaky gut vary from person to person. For example, chronic stress, overuse and misuse of some medications such as corticosteroids, antibiotics and NSAIDs could cause leaky gut in one person, while bad diet, candida overgrowth and/or toxins in food and water would be the main triggers for another.
Identifying the environmental triggers and repairing leaky gut  is an important strategy in managing autoimmunty and Hashimoto’s. Knowing why you have leaky gut can help you address the right target to restore your gut health, stop and reverse autoimmune disease. Most triggers of leaky gut are dietary and that is why what you eat, how you digest and absorb foods are absolutely detrimental for the balanced immune system and your thyroid health. 

If you have a thyroid disease running in your family don’t feel as a helpless victim of your genetics and that there is nothing you can do to prevent or stop Hashimoto’s disease. Your environment, life style and diet determine your chances to develop but also to avoid any thyroid condition.

While conventional medicine currently doesn’t offer any type of treatment for Hashimoto’s as an autoimmune condition holistic medical approach often can help you effectively manage Hashimoto’s and improve your symptoms through diet and lifestyle changes without negative effects you may experience from drugs.

About The Author

Marina Gutner, PhD is a medical writer and researcher who successfully stopped the progression of her Hashimoto’s disease, recovered from severe adrenal fatigues and fibromyalgia. She shares her knowledge and experience on her thyroid blog http://outsmartdisease.comwith people who are looking for alternative Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism treatments.

Thank you so much, Marina. I encourage my friends, family & readers to share this article with anyone you know that is suffering with Hashimoto's disease. Marina has alot more information on her thyroid blog & I encourage you all to go give her a visit. You will certainly be glad you did.



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9 Healing Herbs and How to Use Them in Your Cooking

9 Healing Herbs and How to Use Them in Your Cooking

"Boost Your Metabolism, Curb Cancer, and Slash Blood Sugar with this Easy Culinary Trick"

Find out which one's greatest value lies in its anti-cancer potential.

Click here for the article:

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/04/04/9-healing-herbs-and-how-to-use-them-in-your-cooking.aspx Pin It

Flax and chia seeds can help with depression and anxiety!

Depression and Anxiety Healing with Flax and Chia Seeds | Depression Healing Insights

I am always on the hunt for alternatives to the anti-depressant/anxiety medicines folks are using now-a-days.  Personally, I have tried a couple but they just not my cup of tea, so to speak.  This article happened to show up on my Facebook news feed and I thought hmmmm....worth a try.

Check out the article here:  http://depressionhealinginsights.blogspot.com/2010/08/flax-and-chia-seeds.html?m=1#!/2010/08/flax-and-chia-seeds.html Pin It

Turmeric Health Benefits and Culinary Uses

Turmeric Health Benefits and Culinary Uses

"Turmeric is a super-spice that has a high antioxidant value and boosts the immune system. It is a powerful anti-inflamatory and is popular among those with arthritis and joint problems for this reason. Turmeric is antiseptic and kills yeast and parasites when used internally."

Wellness Mama has an excellent article on Turmeric & it's health benefits & many uses.  There is also an interesting recipe for Tumeric Tea which I'm definately gonna try.  Click on the link to the website:

http://wellnessmama.com/5297/herb-profile-turmeric/ Pin It

Guggul is an herb that supports thyroid health - Wilson's Syndrome

Guggul is an herb that supports thyroid health - Wilson's Syndrome

"Guggul Myrrh is an herb that benefits the thyroid and the body in many ways. Its scientific name is Commiphora myrrha and is the same plant which produces the myrrh mentioned in the bible. Resin from the Guggul plant has been used medicinally since at least 600 BCE. That’s over 2600 years of accumulated clinical experience!"

 Click on link for more of the article:   http://www.wilsonssyndrome.com/guggul-is-an-herb-that-supports-thyroid-health/ Pin It

Thursday, January 30, 2014

#1 Food To Add To Your Thyroid Diet

#1 Food To Add To Your Thyroid Diet

A very informative article about the benefits of adding Bone Broth to your Thyroid Diet, as well as the recipe.  Please take the time to not only read this article but also browse the website, outsmartdisease.com, for many many more helpful articles  & don't forget to add your email in the newsletter mailing form. Pin It

Dr. K News: Autoimmune diet

Dr. K News: Autoimmune diet

"This diet is powerful on its own, however to boost the repair and recovery
effects, please work with a qualified practitioner who understands the
connections between gut health and the brain, immune system, and endocrine
system. He or she can provide you with proven nutritional compounds that have
been shown to significantly aid the process of repair and recovery and unwind
self-perpetuating inflammatory cycles in the gut." Pin It

5 Best Natural Sugar Substitutes

"Some people may opt to use artificial sweeteners as sugar substitutes, however several studies have shown that they can have quite a lot of side effects, and the FDA has established an acceptable daily intake for each artificial sweetener."

Refined sugar, I understand is yet another thing that is recommended to eliminate if you have thyroid issues.  In searching for alternatives I came upon this article.  To see the list of 5 sugar substitutes, click on the link:  http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/5-best-natural-sugar-substitutes/ Pin It

Thyroid Sexy Blues

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Coconut Oil Benefits for Thyroid Health

"Virgin Coconut Oil offers great hope for those suffering from hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) today. I didn’t even realize how much hypothyroidism was affecting my life till I started on the Virgin Coconut Oil and suddenly had energy like the Energizer Bunny!"

I have been reading alot about coconut oil & thyroid health and found this article to be very informative.  Countinue reading:  http://coconutoil.com/coconut-oil-benefits-for-thyroid-health/ Pin It

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Health Benefits of Cherries

"Cherries make for a juicy, low-fat snack. Rich in antioxidants that combat aging, the cherry is also a natural anti-inflammatory that may relieve joint and muscle pain."

Read article here:

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The Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses"Molasses is a thick syrup produced when the sugar cane plant is processed to make refined sugar for mass consumption. Whereas the toxic and unhealthy refined sugar is destined for our supermarket shelves, however, the highly nutritious molasses – which contains all the minerals and nutrients absorbed by the plant – is more likely to be sold as livestock feed instead.

Fortunately, the nutritional value of molasses is becoming better-known, and various grades of molasses are now being sold to us as baking ingredients, sugar substitutes, and mineral supplements. This is especially true of blackstrap molasses, the highest and most nutritious grade of molasses. Below is a list of blackstrap’s health benefits and advice on how to consume it as a health supplement."

To find out more benefits click here:


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Pumpkin Seeds

"Pumpkin seeds are one of nature's almost perfect foods. They are a natural source of beneficial constituents such as carbohydrates, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. They contain most of the B vitamins, along with C, D, E, and K. They also have the minerals calcium, potassium, and phosphorous. Pumpkin seeds have mainly been used to treat prostate and bladder problems, but they have also been known to help with depression and learning disabilities."

Read more of the article here:  

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Bone Broth for Health Building: Nourishing the Liver and Kidneys

A great article by:Cindy Micleu, MTCM, LAc. 

"Winter is the ideal time for nourishing the Kidneys, and soup is the perfect winter food. Bone broth is prepared in cultures around the world as both a tasty, healthful soup and an easily digested medicinal food. The prolonged cooking of bones in water results in a broth rich in nutritional constituents that promote strength, tonify blood, nourish in times of sickness and rehabilitation, and help to prevent bone and connective tissue disorders."

To read the full article & the recipe, Click here Pin It

Hashimoto's Guest Post

I am so excited to announce the very first guest post on my blog.  I'm not gonna say who right now because I just love surprises.  She is a professional & will have lots of great info regarding Hashimoto's Disease. Watch for the post by Monday, Feb. 3 unless notified of another date. Oh yeah, I can't wait!!!! Pin It

Autoimmune Diet

"A person suffering from autoimmune disease invariably has gut issues. The more severe the autoimmune disease the more severe the gut issues, and vice versa. In a self-perpetuating vicious cycle leaky gut flares up autoimmune conditions, which in turn further damages the gut lining."  Read more of the article here http://thyroidbook.com/blog/autoimmune-gut-repair-diet/

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How to build a water bottle tower

I enjoyed this video.  Really detailed.  Ths is definately a project for my Spring garden!!

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Homemade Mayo

This recpe is by far the best homemade mayo I've come across.  Very easy to make.  I omitted the garlic and used a blender to whip it up.  Didn't take long at all & it's much, much better than store bought.  It actually is not yellow in color as the photo makes it look. Anyways, here's the link:

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DIY Mason Jar pour spout

This is something I could certainly use:


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Make you own Almond Butter

Post by The Rawfoodfamily.

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Quick way to peel a hard-boiled egg

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50 of the Best Uses for Coconut Oil

"Coconut oil has a bit of a craze surrounding it lately. People have put together hundreds of different uses for this beneficial oil and it’s found its way into pantries, medicine cupboards, and even first aid kits. Some of the uses may seem bizarre at first, but coconut oil has garnered this newfound fame for good reason. It works."   Continue reading

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


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New projects coming soon

Life has been difficult and somewhat hectic since my last post. This year got off on a sad note with the loss of my dad whom I love dearly. Lord knows I'm gonna miss him for he was and always will be my hero. Well I know he wouldn't want me to be all down & out so I'm trying to get my act together & put together some projects to keep me busy. I am planning on a bigger & better garden this Spring. I have a couple of good seed catalogs that came in the mail. So I'm gonna sit down with them & make a wish list to get started.  Since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (Hashimotos Disease) I have had to rearrange my eating habits and watch what I eat. Will discuss all that in a later post. I also have some sewing projects in mind so stay tuned for those coming posts too. Lots of recipes, crafts, gardening and of course backyard chicken DIY projects. My flock has grown to 20 Dominique  hens & 1 rooster and I have added 3 silkies as well. It's getting incubator time!!!  Pin It